January 31, 2007

January 13, 2007

Training Session 1 - Why Lean and Why Now?

In our State of IMM presentation we announced that we will be implementing Lean in order to help solve our quality and profitability Issues.

Why Lean and Why Now?

  • Competition is Global. Borders and barriers are collapsing.
  • The pressure to grow margins and profitability is intense.
  • Must be “Best In Class” to ensure survival.

What is Lean Enterprise?
It is a philosophy designed to bring about rapid, planned, controlled and measured step-change improvements to the performance of an organization through an overhaul of the value stream.
It utilizes a comprehensive set of elements, rules and tools that focus on value, the elimination of waste and continuous incremental improvement.

The Most Important Thing to Remember is that Lean is a
Thinking Process

Training Session 1 - “Frustrating Fixables” and 5S

  • Not having the necessary tooling in the departments.
  • Tooling not being put in the proper places.
  • Keeping the work area clean and organized.
  • These will all be eliminated by putting 5S in place.

Training Session 1 - 5S/Visual Order

Separate - Eliminate everything that is not needed.
Sort - Arrange everything in the plant, tools, parts, and machinery, so they can be used without wasting time and effort.
Sweep - Bring the plant to a spotless condition and clean daily.
Standardize - Develop procedures to assure compliance with the first three S's.
Sustain - Maintain and improve (Kaizen) the 5S program.

Training Session 1 - Visual Workplace

A business in which most of the important information we need to do our jobs is easily available through visual systems

Common Problems that can be remedied with a visual workplace

  • I’m not sure what I should be working on
  • If a problem arises somewhere else, I’m not sure how it impacts what I should be doing
  • I can’t easily find the tools/materials I need to do my job
  • We can’t respond quickly to change
  • Getting help on problems takes a long time

How Is A Visual Workplace Different?

  • Makes it easy to distinguish normal from abnormal conditions
  • Ties things together logically and visually
  • A place for everything and everything in its place
  • Simple clear communication and better organization leads to better responsiveness
  • Problems are visible; so is a failure to solve them

Training Session 1 - Opportunity for failure

Companies that fail with Lean do so because:

  1. Lack of understanding – fall in love with the tools of Lean without understanding what Toyota Production System (Lean) really means
  2. Inconsistent implementation (ie, different set of rules for end-of-month, etc)
  3. Not tying changes with business need
  4. Too little too late

Training Session 1 - What Now?

  • Address "Frustrating Fixables" together
  • A practical look at waste
    What do you need to have, that you don’t always have, in order to do your job well (physical stuff; information; other things that cause you to waste time) What do you have to search for?
  • Workplace organization (5S)

January 8, 2007

State of IMM