March 23, 2007

Friday March 23 Wendy, Chad, Becky Meeting

We walked thru the plant to observe 5S progress, which includes the incoming materials area for each of the 3 major areas, and the categorized by "type" areas. Each area has made some progress, but there is much more to do to reduce/eliminate many of the frustrating fixables. It has become clear that we weren't aggressive enough on our first Sort (the 1st "S" of 5-S). That is not at all unusual. It often takes a few Sort events before everyone gains confidence to attack all areas. We still have a bunch of space-taking stuff to get rid of, as well as usable materials that should be moved to a more appropriate area of the plant.

CNC has begun the simple process of using dry-erase magnetized sheets to document the answers to 4 key questions that machinists have about any job: (1) what is the job and detail number, (2) which of the work is to be done and in what order, (3) are there any critical notes, and (4) where does it go when I'm done with it? That same simple concept would seem to apply equally well in the other departments.

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