April 13, 2007

April 13, 2007 Captains meeting

Today the captains meeting occurred on the floor, and we will continue that approach when feasible. The captains seemed to really like looking at what the areas have done, some of the problems they've faced, and all are very willing to help one another figure out better ways.

We started in CNC, and asked Gary to show us the progress they've made and the challenges they continue to face. While tooling, both centralized and at the machines, is more organized than before, there is still much more to do. There is some concern about the current size and location of the tool carts as jobs are being set up. We'll try different ideas. As always, safety is the number 1 criterion. We also continue to have problems managing the incoming area, but that is pointing out the inefficiencies in communication and scheduling. The magnet "job sheets" and the CNC scheduling board are both great successes for the area.

We then moved to EDM. John showed some of the product/tooling organization systems that they have put in place, and some future plans that tie into the relocation of equipment. The scheduling board is too new to talk about today, but we'll gain experience over the next several days and weeks.

We also addressed the "whose area is this anyway?" question. Chad is to create a 5S map of the facility and ensure that every area is assigned to someone. We also discussed how the order in which things are done is important to effective 5S. for example, the machine by the manual area needs to be resolved and handled before Joe can move over the stock and stock racks from the EDM area. The team captains need to communicate among each other to help understand these issues.

Ron showed some of the accomplishments in manual, assembly, finishing/polishing -- inventory rack of blasting media for example. We discussed how that could easily be modified to manage inventory and communicate with John F re: ordering status. We discussed several options for placing and highlighting "waiting for action or decision" product that is getting in the way of efficient space utilization.

Michelle participated in the meeting/walk, and will be joining us for future meetings. She commented on how she was able to read (and in some cases, not read) the visual systems in each area. Good insights from someone who doesn't work there all the time.

Chad reviewed the waste of Motion. He provided one-page handouts for the captains to keep and discuss with their department team. He will also provide copies to Mark and Brent, as well as other management. At each weekly meeting, Chad will continue to provide explanation and examples of the forms of waste. You've got to see it to eliminate it!

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